ژیوشیمیست فیلدی
ورود به عنوان کارفرما
اطلاعات عمومی
- برتری شما دانش، سابقه و علاقه
- زبان فارسی, انگلیسی, ترکی
- دستهبندی سرپرست عملیات, مدیر پروژه, بخش اکتشاف, زمین شناسی
- تعداد سال تجربه کاری ۶
- سطح کاری مورد نیاز دکتری
- حقوق درخواستی ۱۵۰۰۰۰۰۰۰ ریال
- نوع شغل درخواستی تمام وقت, پاره وفت, پروژه ای, قراردادی, مشاوره ای
- محل زندگی طبس, زنجان, استان فارس, شیراز, کرمان
- گالری تصاویر
- Zanjan University دانشگاه زنجان BSc کارشناسی
Geology (زمین شناسی)
- Shiraz University دانشگاه شیراز MSc کارشناسی ارشد
Geochemistry (ژیوشیمی)
سوابق شغلی
- KanIran Co. شرکت کان ایران Exploration Geologist
Another Uranium Prospecting Project. And I was carrying Scintillometer and Spectrometer while I had to take litho samples from anomalies.
- KaniKavan-e-Shargh Co. شرکت کانی کاوان شرق Exploration Geologist
Like the previous one, this project was a governmental project too. In the purpose of Uranium. In this project, I was a field expert while doing both geological surveying and Surface Geophysics with Scentilometer and Spectrometer.
- KanAzin Co. شرکت کان آذین Exploration Geologist
A big governmental project which was consulted and carried with KanAzin Co. In the purpose of Pb-Zn prospecting in central Iran. I had two responsibilities, one Stream Sediment Sampling and Another one was geological surveying.
- ESPEER Co. شرکت اسپیر Exploration Geologist
Usually, litho-Samling for a Gold Mine trench sampling and another project was an industrial Limestone sampling. The company is in Tehran but projects were in two separate places in the central and western Iran.
- Kavoshgharan-e-Roi Zanjan Co شرکت کاوشگران روی زنجان Exploration Geologist
The company is located in Zanjan and is a Zinc processing company. So for developing their new Zinc resources me in coworking with other geologists and exploration specialists in the northwest and central Iran is prospecting for Zinc mineralization. But geology.
- ZaminKav Gostar شرکت زمین کاو گستر Exploration Geologist
A governmental uranium prospecting project. In this project, I was a field expert while doing both geological surveying and Surface Geophysics ith Scentilometer and Spectrometer
- Pichab Kansar Co شرکت پیچاب کانسار Exploration Geologist
A governmental project which was consulted and carried with Pichab Kansar Co. In the purpose of Pb-Zn prospecting in Tekab region. I took Stream Sediment Sampling and geological surveying during the project.
- Parsgostar Zanjan شرکت پارسگستر زنگان (آهن) Exploration Geologist
Managing exploration projects in the company's properties and developing their mines of Iron and Pb-Zn across the country.